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National Biography of Finland

Vapaasti luettava artikkeli

Finnish Biographies

This online collection of over one hundred Finnish biographies includes famous national figures, politicians and artists as well as a witch burned at stake and an 18th century bear hunter. Together they provide a panorama of Finnish life and culture from medieval times to the present day.

The articles were originally published as part of Kansallisbiografia, The National Biography of Finland, a collection of 6,500 biographies of individuals who have made important contributions to the development of Finnish society. The biographies are published and updated by the Finnish Literature Society.

Most of these biographies have also been published in print under the title 100 Faces from Finland. A Biographical Kaleidoscope (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura 2000).

Number must be within range 1000 - 2050
Number must be within range 1000 - 2050

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